20/21st & 27/28th Jan 2024
South Lanarkshire
Anna Liebmann will be running willow cutting days in January (TBC… 20/21 Jan, 27/28 Jan) at her patch in South Lanarkshire, where people are welcome to take material to make cuttings in return for helping with the harvesting.
She should also be able to supply cuttings of
Salix Purpurea Carl Jensen
Salix Purpurea Brittany Green
Salix Purpurea Bleu
Salix Irrorata
Salix Daphnoides
Salix Triandra Whissender
Salix Basaltica
Salix Triandra Norfolks
Salix Triandra Harrisons
Although this is dependant on this years growth of course which she haven’t assessed properly yet.
These would all be 50p/ cutting + p+p with a minimum of £10 order.
For more information contact Anna Liebmann annatalamh@googlemail.com | 0131 669 2794