The Scottish Basketmakers Circle is made up of a group of elected volunteers who co-ordinate all aspects of the group between us.

Please contact the appropriate member using the details below.

General Enquiries – Malcolm Farrow

Membership Secretary – Valerie Wardlaw

Newsletter – Tim Palmer

Library – Aurore Whitworth
20 Lotts, Skerray, Highland KW14 7TH

For all general enquiries, you can use the contact form below and we will forward your enquiry to the correct person

Contact Form

Regional Contacts

To find out about basketmaking activities in your area, please contact the relevant regional SBC member below. There are regular self help groups in some areas which you can join.

  • Argyll – Pip Weaser
  • Glasgow & Stirling – Kate Sankey
  • Highlands & Inverness – Self help group meets on a Sunday between April & November at WASPS, Inverness, contact Tim Palmer
  • Lothians – Self help group reforming, contact Janice Hall
  • Moray – Monthly self help group meets on a Friday in Pluscarden Village Hall between September & June, contact Marion Campbell
  • Northeast – Monthly self help group, contact Helen Jackson
  • Fife– contact Katherine Taylor ✉
    Skye – Monthly self help group, contact Harriet Forrest
  • South Lanarkshire – Self help group meets on a Saturday every month except Jul & Aug in Crawford Village Hall, booking essential, contact Upperward Basketmakers
  • Shetland – Ewan Balfour

Other Contacts

  • Facebook Coordinator – Steve Cook
  • Instagram Coordinator – Aurore Whitworth, Jane Allan, Anna Ross & Karla Pearce
  • Woven Communities Coordinator – Stephanie Burn
  • Librarian – Aurore Whitworth 20 Lotts, Skerray, Highland KW14 7TH
  • SBC website What’s On listings