Willow Cutting Days

Willow Cutting Days

20/21st & 27/28th Jan 2024 South Lanarkshire Anna Liebmann will be running willow cutting days in January (TBC… 20/21 Jan, 27/28 Jan) at her patch in South Lanarkshire, where people are welcome to take material to make cuttings in return…

Looping Structures

Looping Structures

26th to 28th January 2024. Bolton Village Hall, Northumberland. We are introducing a new exciting series of workshops with Anna Corbett at Bolton Village Hall in early 2024. There are three workshops in the series, starting with the first, Looping…

Willow Harvest

Willow Harvest

3rd January onwards 2024. Naturally Useful, Forres. The willow harvest at Naturally Useful starts on 3rd Jan, order your willow cuttings from now on. Karen Collins be taking 40 cm cuttings each day throughout the harvest, which will be ready…



Friday 15th – Sunday 17th December 2023. Cromarty, Black Isle. Hungarian born artist and rope maker Hanna Varga will be hosting an exhibition of her work made in Cromarty during her six week residency here. The Old Brewery Burnside Place,…