26th to 28th January 2024.
Bolton Village Hall, Northumberland.
We are introducing a new exciting series of workshops with Anna Corbett at Bolton Village Hall in early 2024. There are three workshops in the series, starting with the first, Looping Structures.
Looping is an ancient basketry technique found in different cultures throughout the
world. It’s a slow but very satisfying process, and a good way to get to know the feel
of different plant fibres. During the weekend we will create soft structures such as
bags, bowls or pouches. We will also cover harvesting, processing and preparation of
materials which will include rush and an assortment of other plants.
Anna is a basketmaker who loves making string and who works almost
entirely with plants local to where she lives in Northumberland. These
may be wild or cultivated, from moors and meadows, hedgerows,
woods and gardens. They include leaves and stems, grasses, rushes,
roots, moss, straw and bark. The plants all have their stories to tell and
directions to follow.
Anna has come to basketry after many years of organic gardening. She
brings a deep love of plants, and respect for the natural world, to her
work, which is rooted in and responsive to the landscape. She is
fascinated by the relationships between people and plants and sees
basketry as a way of exploring and deepening these connections.
These workshops offer an opportunity to explore some of the traditions
of basketry with plant fibres and become more familiar with the nature
of the plants that grow around us.
10:00 – 16:00 £150 (£125/£175)
Bolton Village Hall, Northumberland, NE66 2EE
To book contact Anna Corbett stringmakeranna@gmail.com For more information visit Northumbria Basketry Group.