The full SBC library is catalogued below. To take out a book select ‘Borrow this book’ on the book and complete the request form, and then sit back and wait for it to arrive in the post!

You can borrow up to 2 books at a time for a period of three months. The busiest time for the library is during the AGM/Autumn gathering where it’s the tradition to have all the books on show for members to browse through, so if you’ve had a book for a while it’s helpful to return it in time for this event.
Please return books to the SBC Librarian, Aurore Whitworth, 20 Lotts, Skerray, Sutherland KW14 7TH

As an added membership benefit all outward postage costs will are covered by the SBC and members will only be responsible for the price of the return postage. (This benefit applies to U.K members only)

Showing 49-96 of 224 Books
No Image Available Coiled Basketry Coiled Basketry Swannell, C. M.
No Image Available Country Crafts Cane, Straw, Willow Anne Dyer, Lettice Sandford, Zena Edwards
No Image Available Decorative Straw Work Straw Lettice Sandford and Philla Davis
No Image Available Earth Basketry Natural fibres Osma Gallinger Tod
No Image Available East Anglian Basketry Butcher, Mary and Mitchell, Victoria
No Image Available Fabulous Woven Jewellery Contemporary, Misc, Natural fibres Mary Hettmansperger
No Image Available Gourds + Fiber Cane, Coiled Basketry, Contemporary, Knots, Misc, Natural fibres Ginger Summit, Jim Widess
No Image Available Indian Basket Weaving Navajo School of Indian Basketry