Ideal Living

Ideal Living

9th to 14th November 2024. Glasgow. Ideal Living reinvents the home with a new perspective on design showrooms. The Glasgow-based exhibition invites attendees to ‘live’ in the space, using the objects on display like their own homes. It is a…

Winter market

Winter market

Sat 23rd November 2024. Strathpeffer Old Station, Strathpeffer, Highlands. Join us at our Winter Market, on the Old Station platform and in the Goods Shed. Local food producers and crafters will be delighted to share with you their bespoke, artisan…

Maker Relief Fund

Maker Relief Fund

First deadline: 15th Nov 2024. Many craftspeople are facing significant challenges in sustaining their practice, due to a combination of financial pressures and systemic marginalising factors. Heritage Crafts’ Maker Relief Fund is targeted at people facing financial hardship while striving…