Ardfearn, Argyll.
Carol Graham has been growing willow for basketry for 25 years at Ardfern in Argyll. She grows 17 varieties from Dark Dicks (Salix purpurea) to Pommert Digpil. The species have been chosen from the hundreds of varieties available for their attractive colours and textures.
Carol is exceedingly fussy about cutting and sorting. She cuts only when the actual willow is dry (challenging in Argyll!) and is very fussy about sorting – discarding all branched, bent or blemished rods as far as possible.
She sells in bundles of 2-3ft, 3-4ft, 4-5ft, 5-6ft and 6ft plus. Bundles come in different sizes, priced by the circumference of the bundle at the base. She can post out by parcelforce to anywhere in the UK.
The willow she has in stock varies throughout the year. She can send her current stock list if you drop her an email.
For more information on the basketry willow available visit Carol’s website or contact Carol by
phone on 01852 500347, or by e-mail at

Would you send me your stock list please
Hi Deborah
you need to contact Barfad Willow direct via their contact details. You have asked the SBC.