30 November 2023.
Join us for an evening of artist talks from artists and cultural groups working across the Highlands and Islands, and for a hang out afterwards. In the run up to an in person gathering in Skye on 1 March 2024, we’re running a few online sharings to get together and hear more about what folk are up to.
For this event we’ve invited Cinema Sgire, Fadzai Mwakutuya, Susannah Bolton, Eilidh Mackenzie, Ryan Dziadowiec and Caroline Dear to give short Pecha Kucha style talks on their work. This will be followed by time to hang out, ask questions in small groups and for folk to just say hello informally!
CAROLINE DEAR works along the edge between producing artefacts and seeding ideas. Caroline’s practice is informed by archeology, Gaelic culture, botany and traditional skills. Conscious of our changing relationship with the natural world and these deep metaphysical connections, she seeks to bring into fresh focus aspects of this important relationship. This talk highlights our deep history of string making and explores it’s contemporary relevance.
7pm, Free but booking essential. Visit Atlas Arts for more information
Caroline has also participated in two online talks about the history of string, which are available as You Tube videos:
String- the first 50,000 years
Plants, Threads and textiles